February 28, 2013


a room full of wine and cheese. love.

the aerialist...i've decided i need to learn how to do this

me (in my new H&M jacket featured here) with my friend Patrick (in costume!)

the go-go dancers on top of the wine bar

last friday night the boyfriend and i attended Napa Gras before heading to Sonoma for the weekend with friends.  the event started last year as a way to celebrate Premiere Napa Valley and showcase some of the wines that were being auctioned off.  we both had an incredible time watching the aerialist, trying the different wines + yummy food, and exploring the different parts of Raymond (recent winner of Winery of the Year).  trust me, if you're traveling to wine country, this is a must-visit.  it is so different from any other vineyard in the area.  that's all i'll say...just go see for yourself!

after the event we made our way toward Sonoma to meet up with some friends from college who we were staying with for the weekend.  saturday involved more wine tasting (with trips here and here, and back to Raymond to show everyone else) and some delicious food at Gott's Roadside.  when you take the trip to Raymond, be sure to stop here for lunch and get the ahi tuna burger...yummmm! then to wrap it up, we headed to Point Reyes on sunday to enjoy oysters and the beautiful scenery at Tomales Bay.

poppies at Robert Mondavi

freshly laid eggs from the farm at Raymond

three-week old lambs at Raymond

the cutest little guys around!

this weekend we'll be staying in the city and enjoying the amazing weather.  i'm hoping to get in some yoga and hiking...and maybe some paddleboarding and horseback riding (i'm learning, so i need as much practice as possible!).  and if all goes well, i'll be breaking out some warm-weather clothes and taking advantage of the sunshine!

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